What Qualifications Are Needed to Work in Augmented Reality?

March 15, 2022



phone, fintech notebook, and coffee cup on table, with a hand over the notebook with a pen.

Augmented reality (AR) is one of the fastest-growing tech trends in our world today. According to recent research, the global AR market size is expected to hit 88.4 billion USD by 2026. This growth means that there will be more job opportunities in augmented reality in the coming years. 

Industries adopting augmented reality include manufacturing, mining, insurance, maritime industry, healthcare, travel/hospitality, education and supply chain industry.

There are two basic ways to get your foot in the door on augmented reality: many years of studying followed by an entry-level job in the field; or a technology apprenticeship in the field. Without the apprenticeship, here are some of the qualifications you require to work in augmented reality: 

Software development 

There are three main types of software development:

  • Mobile app development 
  • Web development 
  • Game development 

To pursue a career in software development, you need to have a bachelor’s degree in software engineering or certification from recognized bodies like Oracle, Cloudera, Amazon Software Services or Microsoft.


To develop any piece of software, you need to have a good grasp of programming languages like Javascript, Swift, C# and Java. In addition, you should have knowledge of concepts like encapsulation, abstraction, inheritance, control-logic and loops. For such a position, employers usually look for candidates with a bachelor’s degree in computer science.  

Modeling and animation 

Augmented reality requires detailed, high-quality assets like animations and 3D images. To qualify as an AR developer, you need to be familiar with tools such as Cinema4D, Maya and Blender.

AR software development kits (SDKs)

AR developers must have knowledge of software development kits that are used to create AR experiences on iOS and Android. This includes Wikitude, Vuforia, ARKit, ARCore and ARFoundation. It is also important to have a good understanding of the agile development methodology.

User experience (UX) design

UX design is all about creating a great AR experience for users. AR developers should understand topics such as storytelling, usability, design principles, accessibility and interaction design principles. 

Soft skills

To work in augmented reality, you require more than just the ability to develop software and code. Since this is a people-oriented career, you must have some soft skills. Companies are looking for people that can think logically, solve problems and communicate effectively with other members of the team.  


With AR still being a relatively new industry, now would be a good time to prepare yourself for a rewarding career in augmented reality. Figures from Glassdoor reveal that the average salary for an AR developer in the US is $89,736. To get your foot in the door with some of the leading companies, sign up for our technology apprenticeship program.  


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