Apprenticeships are fast becoming the best way to create the perfect employee.
There are so many options to hiring your IT team: staffing, in-house recruitment, outsourcing, and also apprenticeship programs. The latter may seem like the most intensive way to build out your department, but the benefits are long-term and, for many companies, outweigh the downfalls by far.
Here are the benefits of starting an apprenticeship program
Lower cost
Each apprentice from Tech One IT is a cost savings of approximately 40% over a full-time employee. Each apprentice is vetted by Tech One IT using the proprietary Tech One IT methodology before engagement. These individuals bring an open-minded approach to their job and a hunger for knowledge and appreciation for the opportunity.
The recruitment costs are also lower than traditional staffing or in-house recruitment by utilizing a company like Tech One iT that has relationships with some of the nation’s leading technology degree programs in colleges and universities.
“Return on Investment (ROI): For every $1 spent on Registered Apprenticeship, employers receive an average $1.47 back in increased productivity, reduced waste, and greater innovation.” (
Increase access to fresh talent
With so many Technology Apprenticeship Program (TAP) apprentices coming straight from colleges, universities, or alternative educational institutions, they are trained in market-driven technologies and not tainted by other organizations. They bring a fresh perspective to the team, often allowing the team to marshal other teams by thinking outside of the box.
Added support and mentorship
Tech One IT takes a consultative approach to each new apprentice set up and prescribes the level of involvement based on the situation. Many organizations work on a hybrid method where the Tech One team will help to onboard the apprentice team and offer to mentor as they continue to work on company projects, but our clients’ team leaders oversee the tasks. This eliminates much of the standard hiring difficulties of meshing with a new team that happens through traditional staffing or in-house recruiting.
Coming on board as part of an apprenticeship team creates solidarity amongst apprentices. It adds to their comfort level so that employers are more likely to get their best efforts and ideas.
Increase in adoption of culture
By taking on an apprentice, you can test whether your new employee will be a good fit for the company before you fully commit. Given the cost of hiring and turnover, the cost savings, the loss of morale, and momentum, this is reason enough to start an apprenticeship program.
Apprentices are motivated when brought on as part of TAP. They are honored to be working on exciting projects with integral teams rather than in entry-level positions where their voices are often not heard. They also understand that their apprenticeship may not lead to a full-time position as part of the team. While they may have a camaraderie with other apprentices, a competitive edge is a natural part of TAP. By bringing their best to the team every day, they are more likely to earn full-time employment.
Neither traditional staffing, in-house recruiting, nor outsourcing can bring the same level of commitment and competition to your team.
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