Technology Podcasts To Support Career Growth

Every year, people worldwide take a moment to reflect on their favorite podcasts, thanks to International Podcast Day. Since 2004, people of knowledge, experience, and humor have been entertaining the masses with podcasts. 

In 2021, there are more than 2 million podcasts and over 48 million episodes. With that many for you to catch up on, here are our top podcasts to help boost your technology career.

(Are we missing your favorite podcast? Tell us in the comments.)

Tech Stuff


“TechStuff is a show about technology. And it’s not just how technology works. Join host Jonathan Strickland as he explores the people behind the tech, the companies that market it, and how technology affects our lives and culture.”


Daily Tech News Show


The daily podcast is around 30 minutes long and covers news topics, frequently about consumer technology, such as what Apple or Microsoft is doing now. This is an excellent podcast to understand the pathway of technology and what could be coming to big business. This could be helpful to anyone looking to expand their career and looking to where they’d like to be in the future.


a16z Podcast


a16z is a podcast that showcases the symbiotic relationship between technology and life in general. If you’re looking for a podcast that would help you explain how your job affects and changes the world, this is the podcast for you.


Are you heading to a networking event? This is the podcast we would recommend for conversation starters and ways to explain how important your job is to everyone outside of technology!


Women In Technology Podcast


Sadly, it’s still a fight for women to take their earned positions within the technology industry. This podcast covers all topics relevant to women in technology. The podcast features interviews with some of the nation’s leads in technology, who also happen to be female. Brought to us by the excellent organization Women in Technology, this podcast is for everyone looking to support diversity in the industry or anyone that might be feeling like the only woman in the room.




Another popular option for consumer technology, this popular podcast is similar to the aforementioned Daily Tech News Show. Covering big brands and global trends, the podcast is important for anyone invested in the industry giants. Listen and compare the two podcasts, and perhaps choose the voice you prefer!


Software Defined Talk


A personal favorite, this podcast covers a wide range of topics, from Apple’s latest rollout to DevOps and whether Willie Nelson is a good singer. The camaraderie between hosts and the range of topics keeps the subject entertaining and educational ad newsworthy. This is an easy-to-listen option.



CloudFocus Weekly

 Hosted by Salesforce MVPs, this is an excellent podcast for anyone working in SalesForce, or quite frankly, within any major platforms, such as ServiceNow, SAP, Netsuite, or Microsoft. Sometimes, listening to podcasts about topics that saturate your work life can be painful, but the hosts keep the topic lighthearted and fun.


Podcasts are an easy and free way to learn or stay interested in the industry. Especially for those remote employees, it can often feel lonely, but podcasts can make you feel part of a larger, understood group. Usually 30 minutes in length, they are perfect for a commute or a lunch break.


Do you have a podcast that you love? Let us know in the comments – we would love to hear from you!


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