Are Short-Term Jobs Bad for your Resume?

February 8, 2023


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When writing your resume, there is a great deal of strategy involved. This is especially true for people who are considering including a short-term job. As described in a LinkedIn article, “a resume is not a rap sheet.” We can give you some valuable details on when and why you should (or shouldn’t) include short-term jobs on your resume.

What is considered a short-term job?

Generally, when leaving a job after 6-12 months, it is considered short-term. According to Indeed, “length of time at a job matters to employers and signifies longevity, trust, and loyalty.” These are qualities you want your resume to portray about you when in the job application process. If your resume were to only contain short-term jobs, a hiring manager has reason to believe that pattern would stop with the job you are applying to.

When are short-term jobs okay to leave on your resume?

Short-term jobs aren’t always bad to put on your resume. There are scenarios when they should be included in your work history. If your job was short-term by design, like contracted work or work from a temp agency, you should include it. In this case, disclosing this information is recommended so the time frame is not misinterpreted. If your short-term job adds relevant experience or if you had accomplishments you’re proud of, you should include them. Finally, if you’re applying for a job requiring a background check, it may be a good idea to include your work history.

What types of jobs should you leave off your resume?

There are some other types of jobs you should consider omitting from your resume. This list is not exhaustive, and this subject is not black and white, but here are some general guidelines:

    • Lots of small contracts/projects- only include these if it makes your resume more impressive or speaks to your accomplishments. You could also add notable ones in an area other than your “experience” section.

    • The company isn’t in good standing.

    • The previous job goes against the current job’s values.

    • The job took place a long time ago.

If you have difficulty finding a job, it might be time to consider your qualifications. If you have minimal qualifications and little experience, look at our Technology Apprenticeship Program. The program will boost your resume and improve your skillset by placing you on some of the nation’s most exciting projects with well-known companies.

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