PIVOT: How to Ensure A Successful Return to Work Without Giving Up the Remote Tricks You Learned.

The working world has been altered forever. COVID-19 forced millions of companies to shift to remote working systems and caused an economic downturn the likes of which our workforce has never seen. Over the course of 4 weeks, 22 million Americans applied for unemployment.

At some point, the tide of economic collapse must be stemmed, and Americans will be asked to return to the office for work. Unfortunately, many of the businesses that are financially able to return to an office will falter during the return as they are ill-prepared for the shift in culture as well as the necessity for extreme measures, even after returning to the office.


Although we can’t be sure of every outcome, we can strengthen both employees and companies by considering the following points in order to create a workforce that can pivot to survive whatever may come.


Pivot Point: Organization Of Your Workforce

The process of returning to work will most likely be a step-by-step process. The new normal will include a continuation of physical distancing, regular screening and potential testing for signs of illness, and an increase in sanitization measures. Organization is imperative to stop an increase in anxiety amongst employees, and that organization should be happening now to ensure that return to work is a smooth transition for all.


The initial step many companies could consider in preparation for returning to work is considering which employees are most necessary in office and which are able to continue working remotely. Leadership, sales teams, and human resources may find it harder to work from home, but many technology employees, marketing team members, finance, or accounting teams are able to work remotely.


If you still need help bringing your remote employees up to “business as usual,” we are able to set up remote working environments, even during quarantine. For help, get in touch now: (480) 449-3333 or contact@techoneit.com


By preparing a back-to-work plan, taking into account all eventualities (all back to work, a step-by-step approach, some back to work, additional quarantine measures) and engaging leadership from each company division, the transition can be close to seamless and can continue for the foreseeable future.


Pivot Point: Communication


Open lines of communication will allow all employees to feel in control and this leads to a decrease in anxiety. Anxiety can spread and derail a back to work plan quickly. Lessening anxiety and shifting your company culture to fit the new normal will lead to an increase in retention and loyalty, which is found to not only strengthen a team, but also increase the drive of the workforce.


The level of communication is important, and consistency is key. Keeping all employees abreast of the company’s situation is helpful, but sending daily emails is overkill. Employees are already overwhelmed with information overload. Send out emails no more than weekly and stick to the facts as they pertain to your business.


Need to learn more about managing change in your workforce? Our change management team is led by Dr. Manuel Ramirez, transformational change expert and agile coach. Follow us on Facebook to learn more of his strategies, or get in touch to start working with him: (480) 449-3333 or contact@techoneit.com


Pivot Point: Skillsets

As I mentioned, there is no defined eventual outcome for our current situation. For a company to be ready to pivot from working remotely to working in office, and back again, and again, is imperative. In order to do this, each division should be aware of skillsets that can be used in alternate ways.


“As part of its coronavirus crisis response, for example, Bank of America is temporarily converting more than 3,000 employees from across the bank into positions intended to field an onslaught of calls from consumer and small business customers.” (Harvard Business Review)


This is an area where staffing companies will shine.  At Tech One IT, we work with technology experts across the board and have the expertise (in both IT and hiring) to define their strengths better than they can themselves. We work as a matchmaker placing talent into companies where their skillsets can be utilized to strengthen the team AND accelerate the company goals.


To engage our IT staffing team, or to learn more about how we might help you, contact us (480) 449-3333 or contact@techoneit.com.


Pivot Point: Soft Skills and The Platinum Employee

pivot - the platinum employee

Employees that are able and willing to pivot are golden employees, but employees that can pivot and are also adaptable to changing work situations are platinum.

Employees that are able and willing to pivot are golden employees, but employees that can pivot and are also adaptable to changing work situations are platinum.


Since entering the workforce, millennials have borne the brunt of many jokes, but now is the time when their experience is more valuable than ever. The Technology Apprenticeship Program (TAP) is made up of recent graduates working for Tech One IT and placed in apprenticeships with companies ranging from start-ups to Fortune 100 businesses. The COVID-19 epidemic has not affected their workload in any way. During college they took classes online, they have worked from loud coffee shops and dorm rooms, and even during road trips. They are adaptable, easily focused, and dedicated to specific goals. This is where we find the platinum employees.


During quarantine, TAP has set up new initiatives at several technology firms and our clients, apprentices and their team leaders have reported no issues starting with a new team in a virtual environment.


To understand if TAP is a good fit for your business, contact us: contact@techoneit.com



The new normal is undefined, but it should not intimidate companies. The only way to get back to work, and start to rebuild our economy is to be prepared. Employees will look to company leaders for strength and compassion, but company leaders can lean on partners that are able to develop a workforce that can pivot as the world needs.


Tech One IT is dedicated to strengthening our economy by putting people back to work and removing the impediments to success that many businesses are facing currently. We have technology solutions for keeping your business goals aligned no matter what the situation, we have technology staffing services to get you the platinum employees you want, and we have the Technology Apprenticeship Program for a customizable, cost-effective method of employment that works no matter where you need the team.

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