The Hoops Employers Are Jumping Through To Hire Tech Employees

August 25, 2021


phone, fintech notebook, and coffee cup on table, with a hand over the notebook with a pen.

If you have seen any news reports in the last five days, you may be under the impression that the world is ending, but if you focus on tech news reports, you’ll notice that employers in the tech world are not falling for it!

The tech industry has not slowed down when it comes to hiring, but the competition for talent is unbelievably fierce. As a result, many employers are jumping through some crazy hoops to reach the talent they need.

 “This is the most competitive market I can remember in my professional career, with many people comparing it to the dot-com market of the late ‘90s,” said Jim Bartolomea, vice president of Global Talent at tech titan ServiceNow, which employs a huge chunk of the software talent in San Diego. (San Diego Tribune)


Why is there such a boom in tech hiring?


As with all things lately, the answer is Covid.


With employees switching to remote working, many organizations were forced to adopt enterprise software that streamlines processes, videoconferencing software, and shared drives. This integration requires tech talent to maintain, fix, and clean up the systems constantly.


When a world jumps from office space to hundreds of employees in different locations, you’d expect a slowdown of work, but tech companies have ensured that work is still as fast-paced and collaborative as ever.


What are the demands tech employees are making?


Tech employees know that they have the upper hand in today’s hiring market. They have their pick of jobs and employers. The main demand being made is for more money.


In order to gain the upper hand during an interview, ask your potential employee for salary requests before making any offers.


The second demand is for choice of working situations. Many tech employees prefer to stay remote, although a few will request an in-office position. Providing flexibility opens up more opportunities to hire.


Another demand is for better benefits. Good healthcare coverage, retirement or stock options are good, but PTO beats them all. Some companies have offered 4-day work weeks to entice job applicants.


How can you get the best tech employees without breaking the bank?


Competing with technology giants is impossible if you’re a small or even mid-sized company. Instead of looking for the industry’s best talent, focus on up-and-coming talent.


The Technology Apprenticeship Program (TAP) from Tech One IT sets up apprenticeship programs either in-office or remotely. This gives you access to a pod of new tech talent eager to impress and at a lower cost than experienced talent that comes with a list of demands.


“Return on Investment (ROI): For every $1 spent on Registered Apprenticeship, employers receive an average $1.47 back in increased productivity, reduced waste, and greater innovation.” (


The TAP proprietary vetting process begins with the identification of the T-shaped ideal: putting character and drive above competency. In this way, we match our candidates correctly with the team they’ll join and, ultimately, with our client’s culture.


Click this link to read five of the benefits of a Technology Apprenticeship Program.


If you are interested in setting up an apprenticeship at your company, please give us a call.


View Open Jobs Here: Careers | Learn About TAP: Technology Apprenticeship Program | Email Us: | Call Us: 480-449-3333




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