ITSM is the word on everybody’s lips around here! It’s not a new concept by any means, but with the work-from-home order on and then off again, ITSM has become a mainstream approach for all companies, not just those based in technology.
What is ITSM?
ITSM is the abbreviation for IT Service Management (or Information Technology Service Management to be more precise). In its most basic definition, it is the workflow process set up to complete IT tasks.
To place ITSM in context, imagine if the IT department received a request for a new computer. The old methodology was to either call or email the IT department in order to place the request, then wait for a response, and perhaps follow up a bunch of times before the request is completed. Using ITSM, there is a set workflow by which the request is made, a priority level is assigned, and the process can be tracked by all parties. Nice and neat, right? Only if done correctly!
Why Is ITSM In High Demand?
Three Reasons:
• With remote working, IT has been somewhat upended. Cybersecurity, cloud computing, and systems integration have become a necessity. Each of these can affect the workflow process. So, the workflow process needs to be streamlined and easy for all to follow no matter what the location.
• ITSM is logical for all growing companies. In this case, we are considering the workflow process for IT, but each division within a company, from HR to Marketing has workflows that should be built to be secure, and accessible from anywhere, which usually requires input from IT.
• Workflows break. The workflow you use for a company of 5 is not the same workflow that will support a company of 100 and, as people come and go, services change, and the industry flexes, so your workflow must be repaired and refreshed. And that’s why ITSM is in high demand!
What Qualifications Are Needed FOR ITSM?
Any kind of IT qualification can be used within ITSM as it is not limited to one area. In our previous example – someone requests hardware – the workflow would require input from the IT operations team, Service Desk technicians, and possibly more, depending on the size of the company and the needs of the employee requesting hardware.
Valuable Soft Skills For ITSM
Good communication skills are so important as you will be working with people within the IT world and outside of it. Proof of a meticulous character would also help because the workflow can only stay efficient if all of the people involved are checking off their own tasks.
Two great things about landing a job in ITSM are that the skills you pick up are transferable to any role and that ITSM is a very fast-growing area, meaning the job prospects are expected to stay strong for years to come.
If you’re interested in finding a job in this area, contact us. We have new jobs listed each week.
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