Which of the 2021 technology trends should you follow? These are the essential technology characteristics needed for companies to thrive in 2021.
2020 threw all predictions up in the air and forced company leaders to alter the business strategy on a month-to-month basis. 2021 promises to kick off in much the same fashion, with the recovery of the November election and the continuance of COVID ringing in the new year. However, expectations are that the year will flatten out. A vaccination is a strong possibility within 2021, but companies must continue to strengthen their essential technology characteristics in order to grow and face any unexpected possibilities.
Here are the technology trends we are working on for 2021.
Technology Trend: The Essential Pivot
No surprises here. Companies have been tested throughout 2020 on their ability to manage the workforce in the office, working remotely, and some hybrid of both. This trend is not expected to change. By ensuring your employees are able to pivot from one situation to another quickly and seamlessly, you can handle most changes that will be thrown at you.
Being able to pivot easily also tests the resilience of your employees. Once remote working is established and can be managed successfully, employees may become more independent, a strength that is harder to nurture within the office setting. Independent employees bring a more entrepreneurial mindset to work. By encouraging this mindset, companies often increase loyalty and find new opportunities for growth.
Tech One IT has become the go-to for many companies in need of remote talent. Our Technology Apprenticeship Program has seen growth throughout the pandemic due to the nature of the setup. In addition, our company works closely with Manuel Ramirez, Doctor of Education in Organizational Leadership & Organizational Development to help our clients set up remote working situations that suit the company, each team, and the individual employees.
Technology Trend: People First
Speaking of individuals, the second technology trend of 2021 is expected to be people first.
The customer experience has changed since the onset of COVID. From doctor visits to retail, the experience of our daily lives is different. For the most part, people have been accepting changes and reacting with patience, but the customer experience should not change the ease of doing business with any company.
In 2021, organizations must adjust procedures to allow for a simple customer or client experience that considers safety and provides a simple transaction without issue or hindrance.
To set up simple transactional experiences, contact Tech One IT’s IT Solutions division: Contact
Technology Trend: Data Tracking/ The Internet of Behaviors
One major benefit of the new way of interacting with clients and customers is tracking every step taken. The Internet of Behaviors is the name given to the system of data tracking as it applies to each individual’s experience.
“This is the detailed usage and behavioral data that’s collected as individuals use various IoT devices and systems. It provides compelling insights that organizations can use to gain a better understanding of their customers in terms of their preferences, behaviors and interests.” (CIO.com)
The IoB allows companies to continuously improve their processes for customers, clients, and employees in its simplest form. It can improve workplace safety, increase productivity, and minimize sick days or issues that stop work. For sales teams, it can improve and shorten the sales funnel from lead to close.
Data tracking is a multi-dimensional experience that can integrate all divisions within an organization. To get an understanding of how your company could improve data tracking, contact our IT Solutions division today: Contact
Technology Trend: Cybersecurity
With the data tracking conversation comes the information security conversation.
Every company in 2021 should have a cybersecurity strategy. As we collect more data, work remotely, and drive experiences online, data vulnerability increases. Tech One IT can offer a multitude of ways to strengthen your organization’s cybersecurity efforts.
Technology Trend: Location Agnostic/ Global Delivery Abilities
The final trend we are predicting for 2021 is the shift from local business to global. This is a trend spoke about for many years, but now that remote working is the new normal, businesses are seeing a paradigm shift.
Companies are able to continue offering the same services, but thanks to the investment of online services and solutions, expand their horizons to include locations previously unconsidered. Many organizations are choosing to remove locations from websites and offer services nationwide. Tech One IT can help you decide if this is a possibility or a good choice for your organization.
Tech One IT is ready to help you kick off 2021 by building better systems and improving your technology to meet your 2021 strategy’s needs. Get in touch today!
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